Saturday, October 26, 2013

It was James Augustus Hicky who was the first to launch newspaper in India in January 1780 with the name Bengal Gazette. Newspapers plays vital role in the struggle against the British. The history of print media in Indian was chequered and made it possible to free Indian from foreign rulers.

Newspaper is combination of different kind of stories that may be hard or soft. A Newspaper had different sections Front Page, News article, feature article, Editorials, International news, Business News, Sports news, Regional News, Advertisements, life style and so on. Newspaper are published daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.

India is country where readership of newspaper is growing in spite it is decreasing in other countries. In the age of 21st century due to globalization technology is growing to advanced level. This technology is becoming cheaper and coming in the hands of common man.

In spite of different kind of news resources like T.V. Radio, Internet etc. people still read newspapers because of its importance in their life. Earlier it was considered that after revolution in the field of technology, circulation of newspaper will decrease but this didn't happen because people have still faith in it.

Often you might have notice that people buy newspaper and don’t know the exact way of reading it. If you are not reading newspaper then you should cultivate the habit of reading it daily to keep yourself updated.

There was a time in India when newspapers are considered most reliable resources for news. Whatever is printed in it was consider true.

Why should you read News Papers?

      1.       To remain informed.
      2.       Prepare for exams.
      3.       To improve your vocabulary.
      4.       To study any issue deeply.
      5.       Want to see yourself in Newspaper.
      6.       To increase your reading capacity.
      7.       To know about new trends in society.
      8.       To know about government policies.
      9.       Keep yourself updated about daily happening.
     10.      Interest of knowing new things around you.

How to read newspaper?

      1.       All first find a reliable newspaper and subscribe it.

      2.       Go first for front page weather you have interest it or not you should first switch to first page.

      3.       Front page will give you all the news which is important and happened yesterday.

      4.       Front page and Editorial page is most accurate pages and have no mistakes.

      5.       Then switch over the page in which you have interest and study the concept deeply.


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