Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Journey begins from little steps

Posted by Admin | 4:49:00 PM Categories:
For whatever you are dreaming in your life one thing which should keep in mind that any journey begins from little things. Perhaps you are dreaming for big but it will take time to achieve that. One must follow every vital steps required to reach the level.
Just think that if you are dreaming to become one of the richest person of the world, it’s not a job of magical wand which could be done with a blink of eye. It requires hard work, patience and determination to achieve the ambition.

As time changes, our desires increases and we crave for more. As it is said “from small things big thing grow.” We couldn’t attain big results in short time. We have to climb the stairs to reach the destination.
It takes years for a seed to become a full grown tree. It has to go through all the seasons and have to adjust with the environment. Similarly the human life follows the same pattern from birth to death. Many Ups and down occur in one’s life. At times we commit mistakes but it doesn’t mean that we will not get heights we should never lose hope.

Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, and the worst days give you a lesson. Life is a journey filled with joys, celebrations and experiences which leads us to our aim. Every one might have their own target but one has to move in accordance with time because time stops for no one.

Life is a journey and not a destination we have to accept this truth. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step or little things.


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