Sunday, October 27, 2013

In the age of communication development Mobile is considered as a essential device in one’s life. In today world this device is in every one’s pocket. In India whether one is poor or rich is carrying Mobile phones. Due to advancement in technology Mobile becomes easier to reach in the everyone pocket. From Laborer to Businessmen every person are using Mobile phones.

But the addiction of Mobile is serious concern to people as it is now considered as Non drug addiction. Addiction of mobile is like addiction of other things which are harmful for human, infect addiction of anything is not good for life. Mobile not only make us dependent but also cause many serious health problems.

In today' world mobile are not only used to connect with each other but are also used for other purposes which are Internet, calculating, social networking and so many other applications. Although mobiles are useful but it cannot be denied that extreme use of it could be harm one's health.

Mobile has made us fully dependent. Earlier we used to wake up in the morning at 5 o’clock with the chirp of birds but now we woke up with the ring of mobile. Even we use mobile as our diary and keep most of the information on it. Thsese are also used for calculating, social networking, Internet, listing songs and so many other things. There might be some advantages of technology but its excess use is a serious concern.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

It was James Augustus Hicky who was the first to launch newspaper in India in January 1780 with the name Bengal Gazette. Newspapers plays vital role in the struggle against the British. The history of print media in Indian was chequered and made it possible to free Indian from foreign rulers.

Newspaper is combination of different kind of stories that may be hard or soft. A Newspaper had different sections Front Page, News article, feature article, Editorials, International news, Business News, Sports news, Regional News, Advertisements, life style and so on. Newspaper are published daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.

India is country where readership of newspaper is growing in spite it is decreasing in other countries. In the age of 21st century due to globalization technology is growing to advanced level. This technology is becoming cheaper and coming in the hands of common man.

In spite of different kind of news resources like T.V. Radio, Internet etc. people still read newspapers because of its importance in their life. Earlier it was considered that after revolution in the field of technology, circulation of newspaper will decrease but this didn't happen because people have still faith in it.

Often you might have notice that people buy newspaper and don’t know the exact way of reading it. If you are not reading newspaper then you should cultivate the habit of reading it daily to keep yourself updated.

There was a time in India when newspapers are considered most reliable resources for news. Whatever is printed in it was consider true.

Why should you read News Papers?

      1.       To remain informed.
      2.       Prepare for exams.
      3.       To improve your vocabulary.
      4.       To study any issue deeply.
      5.       Want to see yourself in Newspaper.
      6.       To increase your reading capacity.
      7.       To know about new trends in society.
      8.       To know about government policies.
      9.       Keep yourself updated about daily happening.
     10.      Interest of knowing new things around you.

How to read newspaper?

      1.       All first find a reliable newspaper and subscribe it.

      2.       Go first for front page weather you have interest it or not you should first switch to first page.

      3.       Front page will give you all the news which is important and happened yesterday.

      4.       Front page and Editorial page is most accurate pages and have no mistakes.

      5.       Then switch over the page in which you have interest and study the concept deeply.

Friday, October 25, 2013

It has been about eight years back when RTI was implemented in India. This act is considered as a tool in the hands of people of India. Act came into force from October 12, 2005 in order to promote transparency and accountability in administration.

This act applies in all the states and union territories except the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Any citizen of India can get the information through this act. This act is also seen as a tool to check the corruption and reduce it. But the people of rural areas are less aware about this act.

How to file RTI application:

      1.       Application containing all information about the topic.
      2.       Duly signed by the candidate with address and Phone                       Number.
      3.       Postal Order of Rupee (10) in favor of Information                           Officer of the particular department.    
      4.       Send by duly registered post or given by hand.
      5.       Receive the information within 30 days. 
Some Important things which should be kept in mind that candidate have to keep a photo copy of the application for further communication and also should assign date in the application.

Within the 30 days from the date of receipt of the application Information Officer have to provide that information. The person working in the field of Education, journalism should realize the relevance of the RTI act.

I have my personal experience about RTI, when I was student in University I was keen to know my assessment marks. Later in the regard I file RTI and got information within 25 days.

This was my first step which I took. After this I file many applications and got the information which I want. Even I also motivate my friends to use this act as it is very useful for everyone.

This act is used as a weapon by the journalists who seek information in various issues. When every government department except defense ministry is libel to provide information under this act then why the political parties are afraid of this as they are responsible towards society.

 If one knows the use of RTI than it can emerge as a great tool to seek the information. If you are not satisfied with the information then you can contact to higher authority in the department. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Colors are considered as most attractive medium to influence someone. Everyone in this world might have a favorite color. But for a logo colors have a different impact, a logo represents your work your thinking and so many things. As it is said that a picture is worth thousand words same implies in the field of logo, it represents the type of work is done by particular organization.

There are three basic colors Red Blue and Green. One thing which should be ponder upon that a logo should not have more then three colors.

Colors are able to evoke certain emotions and feeling towards your Brand and Identity. So it is vital to choose a color which will represent your identity effectively. Every color has a different feel. There are some questions which should be answered before making a logo and choosing color for logo.

Q.1 For what purpose you are making your logo.
Q.2 What type of message you want to spread.
Q.3 What kind of color your competitor is using.
Q.4 What kind of product and service you are providing to your              target audience.
Q.5 What kind of impression you would like to create in the mind           of those who saw it.

Some time many professional are hired for designing a logo but many time it has been seen that non-professional are even making good logo. It all depends on your budget that weather you want to hire any professional or you want to invest better amount of money.

Here in my logo which is designed by me after learning Adobe Photoshop for two or three days I been able to design my logo which best suits to my profession? By profession I am a student of Journalism and that’s why I think to design a logo for me which will remain with me forever.

Here in my logo I have selected three colors Red Blue and Black:
Red Color represents hot, passion, powerful, excited and bold. Coca cola, cnn and Ati are the brands which are using red color.

While blue represents liberal, cold, smart, progress trust and freedom. Facebook, Intel, hp, twitter and IBM are using blue color.

Meanwhile black color is absence of all colors and represents boldness elegance and tradition. Black color is used by Puma, CNN, Nike and so many others companies.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Teachers are considered the most important person in the society. It is only the teacher who teaches the students from A to Z. In every one’s life a teacher plays a vital role in nurturing the value in students. Teachers' day includes celebrations to honor them for special contribution in the particular area.
The date of celebrating this event varies from country to country across the world. In India teachers day is celebrated on 5th September which is on the birthday of DR. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Who was the second President of India. 

Dr. Radhakrishnan was also a great writer. He also brought Indian philosophy to the forefront. He was a very popular teacher and loved by his students. Another day which is set aside for celebrating the teacher day that is Guru Purnima, also called ‘ Ashad Sukla Purnima. It falls in the month of July.

Most of educational institutions make elaborate preparations for the celebrating this festival which spread light in the life of students and teachers. The celebrations usually kick off with the warm welcome of teachers’ In the class and  paying respect.

To made this event special student often does preparation willingly. Many students also present gifts and greeting cards to their teachers’. These days students have reach to the internet and mobile, e greeting and SMS are also part of its celebration.

A cake is also a great idea for Teacher's Day. But in today's world concept of teachers often have to follow the propaganda of their employer. Which is causing a threat to student who can suffer from their propaganda which many times is not in favor of students.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Instant recognition in Media

In the field of media recognition can be got overnight where as in other fields like Engineering and Corporate and other professions it is not easy to get overnight recognition. In these fields one has to work for a long time and from their achievements they are measured.

By covering an exclusive story in media industry one can have a great impact on its readers and viewers, which helps them to popularize over nightly.

In today’s world media is a glamorous industry where new generation and youth is attracted towards it because of its changing nature. Earlier it was considered that there are not enough opportunities in this industry, but by now media is emerged as glamors industry especially for youth who are in favor of getting instant recognition.

Before 10- 15 years back media industry is only known for its print content but with the passage of time and Globalization media is totally changed. Today there are several electronic news channels and web media which are influencing the current generation. It becomes easy to access the information form Google about any subject and result will be shown within the seconds.

Press is also considered as fourth pillar of democracy in India, it is playing vital role in changing the shape of society. It becomes easier to highlight any issue with the help of media.

In other side responsibility of media person is more than others because it reflects whatever is happening in society. Media is like a mirror of society it reflects all the things which are happening around the world.

In the era of competitiveness media persons are required to have the knowledge of every aspect. Other side concept of paid news is also a threat to media which is decreasing its credibility.  In past it was said that whatever is printed in newspapers is true but in today’s world this is worse a saying.

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