Saturday, December 13, 2014

Long wait for season's first snow is finally over. The queen of Hills and other tourist destinations Kufri and Narkanda received fresh snowfall. While other higher reaches of the state received heavy snowfall and lower part receives rainfall.

Photo Credit: Santosh Rawat, The Ridge wrapped under the white blanket.

Due to this fresh snowfall and rain temperature of Shimla faces sharp fall. This snow fall has created biting cold wave condition in Himachal Pradesh. Snowfall paralyze the normal life of the people of the state. Snow fall has led the hope of white Christmas in Shimla.

Photo  Credit: Santosh Rawat, Snowfall in Shimla

The tourist spots of Kufri, Fagu and Narkanda are triggering the rush of tourists. Hoteliers cheered up in the hope of increase in the flow of tourists ahead of Christmas and New Year.

Photo Credit:, Fresh Snowfall in Himachal

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

आज के दौर में इंटरनेट से कमाई करने के तरीके कई हैं लेकिन आज हम बात करने जा रहे हैं यू ट्यूब से पैसे कमाने के बारे में। यू ट्यूब में आप अपनी बनाई हुई वीडियो को अपलोड कर सकते हैं। आप को बस जरूरत है कुछ जानकारी की जो की हम आज आपको इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से दे रहे हैं

सबसे पहले आपको जरूरत है यू ट्यूब पर अपना अकांउट बनाने की, आप अपनी जीमेल आईडी से भी लॉग इन कर सकते हैं। अब आपको यू ट्यूब पर अपना चैनल बनाने की जरूरत होगी, इसके बाद इसमे वीडियो अपलोड करने की जरूरत होगी, आप अपनी बनाई हुई कोई भी वीडिओ यू ट्यूब पर अपलोड कर सकते हैं और उससे अच्छी कमाई कर सकते हैं। यू ट्यूब पर वीडियो अपलोड करते समय इसे मोनीटाइज करना न भूलें क्योंकि यही वह माध्यम है जिसके माध्यम से आपके चैनल में एड्स लगेंगी और आपकी कमाई होगी।

गूगल एडसेंस में अकांउट बना कर भी सीधे अपने चैनल पर एड्स लगाई जा सकती हैं। अब आप सोच रहे होंगे की यू ट्यूब हमे पैसा क्यों देगा ? जो कंपनिया यू ट्यूब को एड्स प्लेस करने के लिए पैसा देती हैं उन कंपनियों की एड्स हमारे चैनल में डिस्पले होगी और उन एड्स पर क्लिक होने से हमें पैसा आएगा। यू ट्यूब कुछ प्रतिशत पैसा अपने पास रखता है और कुछ हमें देता है।

अब आप यह सोच रहे होंगे की किस तरह की वीडियो यू ट्यूब पर अपलोड की जाए, इसके बारे में सिंपल सा फंडा है, जिन भी क्षेत्रों की आप थोड़ी बहुत जानकारी रखते हैं उनके बारे में आप वीडियो बना कर यू ट्यूब पर अपलोड कर सकते हैं।

यू ट्यूब पर ज्यादा से ज्यादा व्यूज के लिए आप अपनी वीडियो को सोशल साइटस पर भी प्रमोट कर सकते हैं। जितने ज्यादा आपके व्यूज होंगे उतना ही ज्यादा आपका रैवेन्यू जनरेट होगा।

Thursday, November 27, 2014

             आज 27 नवंबर के समाचार पत्र में टीसीपी एक्ट को लेकर एक खबर छपी है (जिसके फोटो आपके सामने है)

एक अखबार की हैडिंग है 'विस में पेश होगा टीसीपी संशोधित विधेयक'।
एक अन्य अखबार में हैडिंग है 'इस विस सत्र में नहीं आएगा टीसीपी एक्ट में संशोधन बिल' ।
एक और अखबार है जिसकी हैडिंग है 'अब शीतकालीन सत्र की बजाय बजट सत्र में आ सकता है संशोधन विधेयक'।


तीन अखबारों की इन हैडिंगों को पढ़कर आपका भी सिर चकराएगा । एक की खबर सही है या दूसरे की या फिर तीसरे की ।

हमारे पल्ले तो कुछ नहीं पड़ा, शायद आपके पल्ले पड़ जाए, पड़ जाए तो जरूर कमेंट करें.......।

Friday, October 17, 2014

बाइकों का शौक रखने वालों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। बजाज की सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाली बाइक डिस्कवर है। हालही में बजाज ने लॉच की है बजाज डिस्कवर 150एफ जो की नई स्टाईलिश लुक में है। इस बाइक का माडल कुछ हद तक करिज्मा से प्रभावित लगता है। जो लोग बाइक खरीदना चाहते है उनके लिए यह एक अच्छा अवसर है। कम कीमत पर खूबसूरत बनावट और माइलेज के मामले में यह अन्य कई बाइकों से आगे है।

कंपनी ने इस बाइक में 145 सीसी के 4 वाल्व और डीटीएस-आई इंजन का प्रयोग किया है। कंपनी का दावा है कि बाइक 72 किलोमीटर प्रति लीटर की माइलेज देने में सक्षम है। इस बाइक में कई खूबियां हैं जो इसे और अधिक लोकप्रिय बना सकती है।इसके चौड़े ट¬ूबलेस टायर्स और नाइट्रॉक्स सहित मोनोशॉक इसकी लोकप्रियता को बढ़ाने में सक्षम लगते हैं।

बजाज डिस्कवर 150एफ शहर की सड़कों पर कम स्पीड में और हाइवे पर दौड़ने में भी सक्षम है। वैसे तो बजाज डिस्कवर 150 एफ की कीमत 59,000 रूपए से शुरू है लेकिन एक्स शोरूम में इसकी कीमत 61000 के करीब आंकी जा रही है।

ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Answer Keys of Paper I conducted on June 08, 2014 at Bihar (13) and Himachal Pradesh (18) Postal Circles are now accessible. 

Correct answers are marked with green color.

Click Here to download: Answer Key

Detail of vacancies for Himachal Pradesh: Click Here

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

India is a country where different kinds of religions, different kinds of traditions and different kind of people exist. But one thing makes all different Indians on a same stage, and that is Cricket. In India cricket is not only a game, it’s a passion of every person. Hardly there will be any Indian who won’t like cricket. But these days this game is being used by our authorities as a tool to improve the disturbed relation with other countries, especially our all time rival Pakistan. Is there really a need of cricket series between India and Pakistan?

At least BCCI thinks so. There has been no series between these two countries since 2007. This strong glacier came in to existence after the 26/11 attacks in 2008 and now BCCI has decided to start a cricket series between these two countries in December 2012. But question is, is this the right time to try to melt this ice stone? This question is raised by the former Indian cricketer Suneel Gavasker. He said that Pakistan is not helping India in 26/11 case. So having a cricket series in this time is not good.

Having a cricket series with any country is normal event in India but when it comes to India vs. Pakistan, the craze goes too high. It’s every time more than just a game. But the issue of Kashmir or the issue of terrorism is more sensitive than cricket. These issues have to be given more attention instead of having a cricket series. Cricket diplomacy is good but is this as good as needed, to solve the tension between two countries?
Watching a cricket match in the same stadium by prime ministers of both the countries together is not enough to solve the issues. There must be a serious talk but the importance of this kind of serious talk is being faded by the untimely cricket series.

Instead of having a cricket match, the countries should try to solve the big issues and big tension between both the countries so that no need of cricket diplomacy would be there to improve the relation between the two countries.

Guest Blogger: Dharam Prakash
इन दिनों इंटरनेट नाम की एक बीमारी ने मुझे खासा परेशान कर रखा है। दरअसल, आज के दौर मे, इस बीमारी का शिकार मै ही नही बल्कि लगभग पूरी दुनिया हो गयी है। ऐसा लगता है जैसे पूरा जीवन इंटरनेट का गुलाम बन गया है। इस बीमारी ने तो मेरे प्रशिक्षक को भी अपनी चपेट मे ले लिया। किसी भी शंका का उनके पास अब एक ही समाधान होता है, इंटरनेट।

वैसे बात भी बिल्कुल सही है, आज जिस हद तक इंटरनेट हमारे जीवन मे घुल चुका है उससे हमारी सोच का दायरा बिलकुल सीमित हो चुका है। हर सवाल का बस एक ही जवाब होता है  इंटरनेट। बस एक क्लिक करो और पूरा ब्योरा सामने आ जाता है। हमारा खाना, पीना, काम करना, यहाँ तक की हमारा जीना भी इंटरनेट पर निर्भर हो गया है। लेकिन तकनीक का ये विकास, हमारे व्यक्तिगत विकास मे बाधक बनता जा रहा है। वैसे तो इंटरनेट से हम पूरी दुनिया से जुड़े रहते है पर हमारी अपनी जिंदगी मे क्या हो रहा है, ये सोचने का हमे वख्त ही नही मिलता। कहने को तो हम पूरी दुनिया के संपर्क मे  रहते है पर हमारे पड़ोस मे कौन रहता है, ये हमे पता ही नहीं होता।

खैर, क़ुसूर हमारा नही है, कुसूर है तकनीक का, इंटरनेट का। लेकिन इसी तकनीक का एक और चेहरा भी है। इसी की बदौलत आज का सामाजिक विकास अपने मौजूदा मुकाम तक पहुंचा है। बात शिक्षा की हो या सुरक्षा की, समाज की हो या अपनी निजी जिंदगी की। तकनीक ने और इंटरनेट ने अपनी अहमियत का हमेशा एहसास कराया है और इसी एहसास के कारण मै इंटरनेट को कोसने या इस पर टिप्पणी करने मे झिझक रहा हूँ। काफी सोच-विचार के बाद, मै इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचा, कि जो भी हो, इंटरनेट के बिना जीना, आज के दौर मे पानी या हवा के बिना जीने से भी ज्यादा मुश्किल है क्योंकि इंटरनेट के फ़ायदों ने इसके नुकसान को अपने अंदर समाहित कर लिया है और हमारे जीवन का एक अभिन्न अंग बनने मे इसने काफी हद तक सफलता हासिल कर ली है।

Guest Blogger: Dharam Prakash

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Swami Vivekananda had said that, “arise awake and don’t stop till the goal is achieved.” Success is the result of your hard work and efforts you have made to achieve your goal. If one is able to know ones strength, then success is not far from them. Inspiration and motivation are also essential for you as these will always help you to be positive.

Here are some tricks which can help you to reach your goals. 

Make your vision board which you want in you life and get on the work you are doing to achieve all those visions. Never try to play with little knowledge, as you all know that little knowledge is dangerous thing. So always try to get full information which you think is important for you. Time management is also important to achieve you desired goal. Make your timetable and follow it honestly. Success can't be obtained within a short  period of time. It will take Year and Months of your hard work. So set you goal and make it possible to achieve these goals.

First step which leads you towards your success is Knowledge about that subject or area which you think will be the basic ingredient for your journey towards success. Whatever you absorb just save it in your mind and clear the basic concept about any issue and event which is happening around you.

Second step is Action towards your goal. If you only dreams about your success and doesn't take any action it won’t help you. It is rightly said that first deserve than desire. You have to act towards your goals.

Third and last step is Result because a result represents your talent and efforts. If you have worked with full potential towards your goal, you will definitely get it.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ancient Egyptians believed that consumption of lemons was essential to protect them from a variety of poisons, and recent research has confirmed this belief. Evidence of the consumption of lemon, dates back to 2,000 years ago in the ruins of Pompeii, which was buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted, though it is generally accepted that lemons were first cultivated in India.

A rich source of vitamin C, lemons are inexpensive, yet rich in nutritional value. One cup of lemon juice has 55 gm of vitamin C or more than 70 per cent of the recommended dietary allowance for women. Apart from this, it contains potassium, some amount of calcium and iron. Mumbai-based nutritionist, Shibani Talpade lists the benefits, “The vitamin C content in lemon strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps prevent atherosclerosis. Lemon also promotes iron absorption, which in turn helps develop bone density, especially in women and children.”

Lemon juice consists of about 5 per cent citric acid that gives it a tart taste. This citrus fruit fights infections and is a quick fix remedy for many common ailments.
Lemon can help relieve digestion problems when mixed with hot water. It also combats common cold — one spoon of lemon juice mixed with one spoon of honey provides relief. When lemon is added to hot water or tea, it helps ease pain.

Lemon also has therapeutic properties as well. “It helps heal wounds faster as the vitamin C content stimulates the production of collagen — a key requirement for the repair of injuries,” says Talpade. The problems caused by a dry mouth can be solved by lemon, which stimulates saliva flow effectively. One of the many attributes of lemon is its ability to relieve nausea. Sucking on a lemon wedge will abate queasiness.

Lemon rice

PREP TIME: 10 minutes
COOKING TIME: 15  minutes

2 cups cooked Basmati rice
2 tbsp vegetable / canola /sunflower cooking oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
3 to 4 curry leaves
2 green chillies, slit lengthwise
1 inch ginger, grated
½ cup groundnuts, roasted
1 tsp turmeric powder
Juice of two lemons
Salt to taste

Gently roast and then coarsely powder the coriander seeds. Keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds, curry leaves and  green chillies.
When they splutter, add the ginger and groundnuts. Fry for another minute. Add the turmeric powder and remove from heat.
Add the lemon juice and blend well.
Finish by mixing  rice and roasted coriander powder.
Add salt to taste.

Source: & healthmeup

Friday, April 4, 2014

A good news for all those aspirants who are preparing for banking exams. State bank of India which has 15,860 branches in the country and has its business in 36 countries is recruiting for probationary officers.

Total Posts: 1837

Online registration: 07.04.2014 to 25.04.2014
Payment of fees - online: 07.04.2014 to 25.04.2014
Payment of fees - offline: 10.04.2014 to 28.04.2014

Examination will be conducted tentatively in June 2014.
Essential Academic Qualifications: Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government
Candidates will be required to register themselves online through Bank's website or After registration candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee through one of the following modes:

(i) Offline mode: The system will generate a cash voucher/ challan form pre-printed with the candidate's details which will be required to be presented at any State Bank of India branch counter with the requisite fee. On payment of the requisite fee through computer generated challan form, registration of the online application will be complete.

(ii) Online mode: The payment can be made by using debit card/ credit card/Internet

Thursday, April 3, 2014

To facilitate the aspirants willing to apply for admission in various courses in this academic session, Himachal Pradesh University (HPU), has launched online admission process for first time for the year 2014-15. Like other universities HPU is also taking steps to provide forms online for students.

Students will now get rid of staying in queue to get the prospects and get the form submitted. Nearly 15 departments of HPU will come under this online admission process.

Vice Chancellor AND Bajpai on Thursday converse on this matter with head of the departments and Dean of the varsity. Bajpai further said that, "Forms will be available soon on website". This decision will also implement on the private institutes and colleges, affiliated to the Himachal Pradesh University.

After launching this online service, HPU will not print prospects as forms will be available online for all the aspirants. The Himachal Pradesh University was founded on July 22, 1970. It is located at Summer Hill which is at a distance of 5 kms from Shimla.


Form can be downloaded from the website of varsity:
Fee can be deposited in any bank in the HP.

Some of the courses which university offers: 
1. MMC./ M.A./ M.Sc. (Mathematics)
2. M.Sc. (Physics/ Chemistry)
3. M.A. (Social Work/ English)
4. M.Sc. (Botany/ Zoology)
5. LL.B. (Three Years), MBE
7. M.A. (Physical Education)
8. M.Ed.
10. IVS
11. MTA
12. MCA
13. M.Tech.
14. M.Sc. (Microbiology)
15. B.Ed.

Selection procedure:
Only those aspirants will be eligible for admission who will qualify the entrance exam conducted by varsity.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Have you appeared for numerous competitive exams? Are you dreaming to get admission in a best college? But, how is this possible when there are lot more students and may be, they have more experience or better marks than you have!

In India, every second parents want their child to become and engineer or doctor. And for that, they want them to get admission in best engineering college. It's little bit difficult, specialy when there is are only 16 IITs and 30 NITs in case of engineering aspirants, along with few other top institutes.

Nearly, 14, 00000 students appeared for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE). The total number of seats available in IITs and NITs was around 25,370 (IITs- 9885 + NITs- 15485). This means, only 2% of the total applicants who applied for JEE 2013 made it through to the IITs and NITs.

However, it often becomes quite difficult to figure out the perfect coaching institute which can help you in getting prepared.

Here are 10 coaching institutes which you can consider for such competitive exam preparation:

Vibrant Academy
An academy founded to facilitate IIT aspirants, Vibrant has emerged as a strong contender among the top coaching institutes. With a record selection percentage of 43.2% (1243 out of total 2836) from regular classroom courses in the 2013 JEE Advance, the institute has set a benchmark for itself and its competitors. The complete system of coaching is based on real requirements of a student to crack IIT-JEE.

With its foundation in 2001, Resonance has come a long way. With 12 classroom program study centres across the country, 300+ full time faculty members out of which 25% faculty members are from the IITs, and with the highest number of students qualifying for JEE Advance from a single institute in India; this coaching institute has the power to provide future IITians and doctors to the nation.

Bansal Classes 
A pioneer in the coaching industry, Bansal Classes has never failed to prove its worth when it comes to various competitive entrance exams. With two students in Top 10 All India Rankers and 19 in Top 150 All India Rankers in JEE Advance 2013, Bansal Classes is definitely a class apart. Its objective is to provide equal studying opportunities to all students appearing for competitive examinations.

With nearly 4,000 students achieving an All India Rank in JEE (Mains) 2013, and 3,729 students achieving a rank in JEE (Advance), FIITJEE has been a favorite destination for various competitive exams. It provides an ideal launch pad for serious JEE aspirants.

Narayana is the one of the renowned names when it comes to engineering coaching institutes. With centres in 17 major cities including Delhi, the institute offers researched study materials along with experienced teachers. With nearly 400+ selections in JEE Mains and 200+ selections in JEE Advance, this institute never failed to impress students.

Allen Career Institute
Nearly 45,000 student took admissions in classroom courses in Kota in 2012-13 session. With 990 total selections (37 students in top 1000) in JEE Advance 2013, 380 total selections (11 in top 20) in AIIMS 2013 and 23189 total selections (34 in top 100), the success of Allen Career Institute can be easily seen.

Vidya Mandir Classes
Vidya Mandir has made a reputation among IIT aspirants by providing classroom courses in more than 30 cities. With nearly 48 top scorers through classroom course and 9 top scorers through correspondence course in the JEE Advance, Vidya Mandir is definitely worth a thought.

Aakash Institute
Aakash Institute has been quite famous for helping students in realising their dreams of becoming doctors and engineers. A phenomenal centre for excellent coaching, Aakash's students have been delivering astonishing results in various medical and engineering entrance exams. The institute bagged 908 selections in JEE Advanced 2013 and 26657 in NEET- UG 2013.

IITiansPace was established in 1999 with a sole motive to guide students in Mumbai who wanted to get through good Engineering and Medical colleges. In past 15 years, IITiansPace has not only made its mark in Mumbai but has expanded hugely by opening its centres in various cities in India including one centre in Dubai. Students of this institute have not done wonders only in IIT entrance but performed outstandingly in various Olympiads.

Super 30
Fascination towards Mathematics and a will to help economically poor students with IIT dreams paved the way for Super 30. Based in Patna, Super 30 comprises of 30 talented students with a goal to make it big. So far, Super 30's track record has been amazing by delivering 100% success rate as all its 30 students cracked IIT for three consecutive years: 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Bollywood celebrities have been judged several times for their beauty and acting skills. But, there is much more behind that pretty skin and acting talent. Take a look:

1. Preity Zinta: The dimpled beauty of Bollywood and the owner of IPL team Punjab Kings XI, Preity Zinta is a perfect blend of beauty and brains. After completing her graduation in English Hons degree, pretty Preity started a graduate programme in psychology. She also earned a post graduate degree in Criminal Psychology.

Preity once said, "Whenever I came across something that influenced me, I wanted to be that. So it varied from an astronaut, airhostess, army girl, to truck driver. Once, I wanted to be a nun - my mother wanted me to change schools after that".

2. Soha Ali Khan: The girl belonging to the Nawab-of-Pataudi family followed her father's rich education. She attended The British School in New Delhi and Balliol College, Oxford. After which, she went to earn a Masters degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She worked for the Ford Foundation and Citibank.

She is known for her hits Khoya Khoya Chand in Hindi, Iti Srikanta, and Antarmahal in Bengali.

3. John Abraham: If you too are fooled by his all bulky muscles, you need to know, there exists a lot of knowledge behind that seductive smile. This handsome hunk has studied Economics at the Bombay Scottish School, Mahim in Mumbai and got an MBA degree from the Educational Trust. John had made his appearance for the first time in Bollywood films with Jism in the year 2003.

4. R. Madhavan: Madhavan the actor , writer, film producer and television host has done his graduation in Electronics from Rajaram College, Kolhapur. He had also won the Maharashtra Best Cadet title which allowed him to make a trip to England.
One of the idiots from '3-idiots' also received training with the Royal Army, the Navy and the Air Force. He also went for a public speaking course before joining the film industry.
He won the Indian Championship for Public Speaking and thus was selected to represent India at the Young Businessmen Conference in Tokyo, Japan in 1992.

5. Riteish Deshmukh: The son of ex-chief minister of Maharashtra, the late Vilasrao Deshmukh, has earned an architectural degree from Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies. For over a year, he practiced with an overseas architectural firm. After he returned to India, he continued designing. Besides being an actor, he owns 'Evolutions', which is an India-based architectural and interior designing firm. Sound so cool just like his personality.

6. Siddharth Suryanarayanan: The adorable Siddharth of Rang De Basanti is one of the most educated stars in Bollywood. He has been a president of his college's debating society. He was also popular as a part of its reputed theatre group. He also completed his MBA from S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research.

7. Vidya Balan: With her laal-padd sari beautifully adorned to befit her role of a Bengali bride in her debut film PARINEETA, her very first step completely left all astounded.
The actress from Dirty Picture holds a major in sociology. After the completion of her schooling St. Anthony's Girls' High School, Chembur, Vidya earned her major in sociology from St. Xavier's, Mumbai. Other than that, she also possesses MA from University of Mumbai.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Prasar Bharati is recruiting for the post of Section Officer, Private Secretary and Assistant among others on deputation basis. Last date to send in job applications is 45 days within publication of the notification.

Vacancy details:
Name of Department: Prasar Bharti, National Broadcasting Department, Delhi Government

Deputy Director of Administration: 8 posts
Section Officer: 28 posts
Private Secretary: 34 posts
Assistant: 7 posts
Personal Assistant: 43 posts
Number of vacancies: 120

Eligibility criteria:

The applicant should hold a graduate degree in relevant discipline from a recognized institution. Also, the candidate should not be more than 56 years of age as on April 30, 2014.

Age relaxation is applicable as per government norms.

Selection process:
The applicants will be selected for the post on the basis of their performance in the personal interview.

How to apply:
Interested and eligible candidates can download the application form from Prasar Bharti's official website:

The candidates have to register by sending in their duly filled application forms along with required documents to:
The Deputy Direcctor (Personnel),
Prasar Bharti Secretariat 2nd Floor PTI Building,
Parliament Street,
New Delhi-110001

Important dates:
Date of notification/ advertisement: March 14, 2014
Last date to receive application: Within 45 days of notification


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

इंटरनेट की बढ़ती पहुंच और युवाओं के बीच ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग की बढ़ती लोकप्रियता के बीच ई-कॉमर्स कंपनी फ्लिपकार्ट के जरिए सालाना बिक्री का आंकड़ा 1 अरब डॉलर (करीब 6,100 करोड़ रुपये) पार कर गया है। कंपनी ने एक साल पहले ही यह लक्ष्य हासिल कर लिया। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं इस बिक्री के पीछे कितनी बड़ी राशि को निवेश किया गया था।

सचिन बसंल और बिन्नी दोनों ने लगातार 18 माह तक पहले परिजनों से प्रति माह 10,000 रुपये लेकर ई-कॉमर्स वेबसाइट शुरू की थी जहां वह किताबों की बिक्री करते थे। फ्लिपकार्ट ने वर्ष 2015 तक 1 अरब डॉलर का आंकड़ा छूने का लक्ष्य रखा था। फ्लिपकार्ट के सह-संस्थापकों, सचिन बंसल और बिन्नी बंसल की तरफ से जारी बयान में कहा गया, 'मार्च, 2011 में हमने घोषणा की थी कि हम 2015 तक एक अरब डॉलर का आंकड़ा छूना चाहते हैं। उस समय हमारा रन रेट एक करोड़ डॉलर का था। आज हमें यह घोषणा करते हुए गर्व हो रहा है कि हमने 1 अरब डॉलर का रन रेट लक्ष्य से एक साल पहले हासिल कर लिया है।'

ऑनलाइन बुक स्टोर से शुरुआतफ्लिपकार्ट ने ऑनलाइन बुक स्टोर के रूप में शुरुआत की थी। अब यह फैशन और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स समेत कई क्षेत्रों के उत्पाद बेचती है। कंपनी ने फ्रिज, वॉशिंग मशीन और फर्निचर जैसी चीजें भी बेचनी शुरू कर दी है।

मार्केटप्लस मॉडलकंपनी मार्केटप्लेस मॉडल के रूप में भी परिचालन करती है, जिसके तहत यह रिटेलरों को उत्पाद अपने प्लेटफॉर्म के जरिए बेचने की सुविधा देती है। कंपनी ने पिछले साल निजी इक्विटी कोष से 36 करोड़ डॉलर जुटाए थे। यह ई-कॉमर्स क्षेत्र में अपनी तरह का सबसे बड़ा सौदा है।

ऑनलाइन ग्राहक 2 करोड़एक अनुमान के मुताबिक देश में फिलहाल इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल करने वाले लोगों की तादाद 20 करोड़ है। इनमें से 2 करोड़ ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग करते हैं।
बादशाहत को चुनौतीदुनिया की सबसे बड़ी ई--कॉमर्स कंपनी अमेजन अमेरिका में ग्राहकों को सीधे माल बेचती है। उसके जरिए दूसरे रिटेलर भी अपने उत्पाद बेच सकते हैं। भारतीय कानून अंतरराष्ट्रीय ऑनलाइन रिटेलरों को मल्टीपल ब्रांड बेचने की इजाजत नहीं देता। अमेजन के पास अपने इस 10वें उपक्रम के लिए बाजार है। अमेजन के लिए भारतीय दांव कई वजहों से बेहद महत्वपूर्ण है।

यहां तीसरे नंबर पर दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल करने वाले लोग हैं और बड़े पैमाने पर ऑनलाइन रिटेल की संभावना है। पांच खरब डॉलर के रिटेल कारोबार में ऑनलाइन रिटेल का कारोबार करीब 1.25 अरब डॉलर का है। रिटेल कंसल्टेंसी टेक्नोपैक को उम्मीद है कि अगले 10 साल में यह 61 गुना ब़़ढ जाएगा। यह अमेजन प्रमुख बेजोज के लिए सपना सच होने जैसा है।

दूरगामी नजरिया
1990 के दशक की शुरुआत में जब इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल बढ़ने लगा तब वॉल स्ट्रीट में बैंकर बेजोस ने एक रिपोर्ट पढ़ी, जिसके मुताबिक, कुछ वर्षो में ई-कॉमर्स 2,300 प्रतिशत बढ़ने वाला था। उन्होंने खुद से कहा, 'मैं इसमें अपना हिस्सा चाहता हूं। वे नौकरी छोड़कर न्यूयॉर्क से सिएटल पहुंच गए और 1994 में अपने गैराज से अमेजन की शुरआत की। तब इसका नाम कैडेबरा नाम था।

भारत का माहौल अलगलेकिन, भारतीय माहौल थोड़ा अलग है। देश के ऑनलाइन रिटेल उद्योग में पहले से ही एक कंपनी तेजी से आगे बढ़ रही है। फ्लिपकार्ट सबसे बड़ी घरेलू ई-कॉमर्स कंपनी है, जिसने अमेजन का ही मॉडल अपना लिया है। इसे अमूमन भारत का अमेजन कहा जाता है। (नईदुनिया)

Pen is mightier than the sword. Even today, the younger generation is attracted to journalism. Everyday, there are several events happening across the world - political, cultural, religious, educational, social and natural events, etc. We come to know about these events sitting in our houses. How is that possible? Through mass communication, providing information to a large crowd at the same time. But, for this, someone has to collect the information as well as present it. This is the main aim of journalism. Journalism includes investigating, analysing and reporting local as well as world events, trends, current affairs, and so on.

Journalism courses are offered at graduation and post-graduation levels. To become a journalism , one can complete a Bachelor's in mass communication/ mass media/journalism after +2. After completion in a related graduation field, one may complete a Master's in journalism or mass communication. A graduate (who has a flair for writing) from any other field can also opt for a postgraduate course in journalism.

Also required is command over language, confidence, enthusiasm, patience and perseverance, ability to differentiate between fact and fiction, adhering to deadlines, team cohesiveness, sensitivity to different views and lifestyles, in-depth knowledge about various fields such as politics, culture, religion, social and current affairs. The most important fact is that people generally feel that journalism is all about writing. It is. However, it is also about reading and most importantly, the ability to express one's thoughts on varied topics. Journalism is for people who are ready to explore various opportunities 24/7, without the constraints of cultural upbringing, gender, and are also ready to go beyond geographical boundaries.

Job prospects
There are different categories in which the media industry can be divided - print and electronic. As the name suggests, everything that is printed comes under print media, which includes newspapers, magazines, journals, tabloids, dailies and books. On the other hand, electronic media includes content on television, radio and the internet. With changes in the society, even this field has undergone a radical change. A journalist has to cover stories/ features on various aspects of life i.e. political, financial, leisure, crime, sports, entertainment, spiritual, educational, infrastructure, technological, medical, and so on. Not to forget, along with the newspapers, there has been an increase in the number of magazines too. Specialised magazines are available in the field of fashion, beauty, family, for youth, travel, medical, technological, lifestyle, education, sports, etc. They can be in many languages.

Some of the work opportunities are in the areas of advertising agencies; educational institutes, magazines, news papers, portals/websites of publications, publishing houses, radio channels as well as television channels. While there are opportunities in this field, it is a competitive field. Therefore, one has to perform at the highest level and be able to work under difficult situations. However, if one persists with hard work and passion, a career in journalism can be a fulfilling and lucrative option.

Skills required
• Inquisitive and investigative mind 
• Alertness 
• Adaptive and tolerant of changing and difficult situations 
• Good communication skills


Monday, March 10, 2014

Shimla which is capital of Himachal Pradesh, was also the capital of Britishers (during British rule) is surrounded by mountains from all around. Best places to visit in Shimla:

The Ridge :  The large open space in the heart of town presents excellent view of the mountain ranges. Shimla's landmarks - the Neo-Gothic structure of Christ Church and the new - Tudor Library building is worth seeing.

The Mall : Most of Shimla's landmarks are located here. The Mall further joins the Ridge at the ‘Scandal Point' of Kipling's Shimla, where a statue of the nationalist leader Lala Lajpat Rai has been erected.This is the main shopping centre of Shimla with restaurants. This is especially pleasant in the evenings when the views and lights are wonderful. The Gaiety Theatre, which is a reproduction of an old British theatre is a center of cultural activities. A passenger lift of HPTDC can be taken from the Cart Road and the Mall. Lakkar Bazaar adjacent to the Ridge is popular for its wood-crafts and souvenirs.

Himachal State Museum & Library :  The museum is located 2.5-km west of the scandal point and opens daily except on Mondays and public holidays. It has got a good collection of ancient historical sculptures, paintings, coins, photos and other items from all over the state as well as outside it. It has also got a library, which houses many historical books and manuscripts. Visiting hours are from 10 AM to 5 PM and it is closed on Monday and gazetted holidays.

Indian Institute Of Advanced Studies :  Housed in the former Viceregal Lodge, it was built in 1888. The style of architecture is English Renaissance, the masonry of the walling is light blue limestone and the wrought stonework is done in sandstone in a beautiful light gray tint. It has magnificent lawns.  The entry in the institute is by ticket and only on Sundays the grounds are open for the public.

Summer Hill :  At an altitude of 1,283m, 1 KM from Boilaeuganj.Summer Hill is a picturesque spot on Shimla-Kalka Railway line offering shady walks in quiet surroundings. The Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi during his visit to Shimla lived in the elegant Georgian House of Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur located here. HP University is also situated over here.

Potter Hill :   Situated at a distance of 1 Km from Summer Hill is very beautiful Picnic spot with all the natural beauty. Ecological Park is situated here.

Annandale : Beyond the Glen is Annandale, another picnic spot. It is covered with deodar forests and was once the playgrounds of Shimla, where racing, polo and cricket entertained the Britishers.Surrounded by deodar trees, this glade has an ancient temple on the edge.

For more info visit: Shimla Tourism
Much of the Himalayan lands in Himachal have a forest cover that hold a variety of trees, which are not only help to moderate the climate but also protect the environment and enhance the scenic beauty of the hills.

With the onset of summer, Buras also called buransh (Rhododendron) have begun dot the landscapes around the city.

Found growing away in the wild between 1800 and 2800 meters altitude, the red coloured Rhododendron flower was declared the state flower in 2007.

The status has helped in over exploitation of the wild flower, which residents earlier used to harvest relentlessly each summer for making juices, squashes and other beverages.

A walk through the woods around Himachal Pradesh University, around the localities of Bharari, Taradevi, Jakhu forest roads and Sanjauli are prized these days because of the large number of trees in bloom.

Tourists who notice these flowering trees are eager to get themselves photographed in such scenic settings, with some just clicking close up shots of the flowers as memorable moments spent in the hill station.

The Rhododendron flower also hold nutritional and health properties and is used by traditional nature medicine practitioners for curing common colds, asthma, some heart ailments and digestive disorders.

Two years ago, when I for the first time came to Shimla, on a uphill walk to Jakhu temple, when I first got to these flowers of immense beauty up close, the impression was case permanently that I cherish even today.

Himachal state flower Rhododendrn
The walk through a Rhododendron lit forest with my brother, sister, brother in law and their child is one of the first impressions of this city that has held me here.

Birds chirping about and monkeys frolicking among the flowers in these silent sentinels of Shimla, simply add to the beauty of the town that even attracted the mighty rulers of the British Empire, about two centuries ago, to this hill station.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A cricket world cup or a parliamentary elections, It’s one and a same thing in India. The only difference is that cricket world cup comes once in four years but election comes once in Five years.

I am just 23 year, which is not mature enough age to write a matured political piece, But few days back one of my friend said a very factual sentence to me about Arvind Kejriwal.

Yes, the same Arwind Kejriwal, the so called Aam Aadmi. My friend said that it hardly matters about goodness or badness of Kejriwal’s tenure as Delhi’s chief minister but at least he left his everything and tested his level to change the system. That’s really appreciable.
Image source: Meri News Photos

Actually I also feel the same thing but now you will not even take a second to judge me as a supporter of Aam Aadmi Party. But wait, it’s not like that.

Kejriwal’s resignation as chief minister was not the solution. He should have faced the situation and should have got back with the solution. But he didn’t.

Well’ that all is past. And now, even Arvind has left the past. Now he is looking forward to his future. Yes, his future, which he calls as nation’s future. Arvind is getting back with the same enthusiasm for Lok Sabha elections.

His party has made the 16th parliamentary elections like an interesting T- 20 match. A kind of tri-series match where three teams are participating in the tournament as  team Modi, team Rahul and team Kejriwal. The winner of this tournament will win the political throne for next five years.

But what is the difference. This tournament comes every year. Hundreds of political parties come; one wins and become the owner of the country for five years. Some of my friends say that even there are some problems in the country but still we have done a lot in the field of development.

Yes, we have done a lot. We are doing much in the field of education, but we are not able to provide good education to everyone. We have roads, but not in a condition to have a comfortable journey. We have reached to space, but we still have a child at road side asking for one rupee because he is hungry. We have industries, but we also have a situation when there are only 100 vacancies and ten Lakhs applicants for those ten vacancies. We have AIIMS kind of hospitals but we also have a situation where every 4th child dies with calories weakness.

Actually we are the best, but at the same time we are the worst.  That’s what we call development. That’s the situation that needs change. Narendra Modi says he will bring that change, Rahul Gandhi says he will bring that change, Arvind also says he will bring that change. But still nothing has changed.

Again the same national event is going to take place in the country which is called ‘Elections’. Now it would have to be seen that will this time the change actually take place or again we will just sit and write this kind of article? It’s up to you.

Go and choose your system, be the part of system…
                                                                                                                 Article by Guest Blogger:
                                                                                                                 DHARAM PRAKASH

Advancement in the technology has made every work easier and less time consuming. The importance of this technology for everyone cannot be denied. In every year this technology changes its shape.

We have electric components like, computer, mobile, tablet, laptop, printers, tv, etc. These are now considered as essential part in day to day life. One cannot think about survive without of these devices. Improper disposal of electronic-waste is arising threat to India and other countries too.

Electronic-waste is all the electrical material which causes dangerous gases while repairing or destroying. E-waste is one of the rapidly growing problems which India is facing these days.  India is facing big boom in this type of waste as technology is changing day by day. People are moving towards new instruments as they suit them.

Image Source: Maghee Bioenergy Consultancy
There are about 90 crores of mobile users and if we also count computers then its counting will cross the boundary. This e-waste is causing problem to environment as people are not aware about its dangers. In e-waste there are about 100 of poisonous things which pollute our environment and water.

There are the poisonous chemicals like Sisa, Para, Cadmium, etc. According to a report on e-waste, India is only recycling 5 percent of its total e-waste. This waste poses a serious health and environment hazards.

In e-waste recycling all companies and government should come together to solve this serious problem. Companies should recall their electrical products which are not in use so that these can be recycled properly.

Consumer too should take responsibility to not to through e-waste here and there. One side India is facing problem like population, shortage of drinking water, malting of glaciers, and so many, other side e-waste is emerging as a threat especially for India.

Proper disposal of e-waste should be done so that we can prevent ourselves from its hazardous.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Government on Tuesday setup a four member seventh central pay commission ahead of general elections that are due by May; commission will be headed by former Supreme Court judge Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur. This commission will revise the salary structure of five million central government employees, including those in defence and railways and about three million pensioners.

The Commission has been mandated to submit its report in two years' time and its recommendations would be implemented from January 1, 2016.

Seven pay commissions have been set up on a regular basis to review and make recommendations on the work and pay structure of all civil and military divisions of the Government of India. The Sixth Pay Commission, headed by Justice B.N. Srikrishna was constituted on 5 October 2006. It submitted its report on 24 March 2008, but its recommendations were implemented from 1 January 2006.

The First Pay Commission was established in 1956, and since then the Union government usually appoints a pay commission once in a decade to revise the wages of Union government employees.

History of Pay Commissions in India
First Pay Commission
The First Pay Commission was constituted in May 1946 under the Chairmanship of Sri Srinivasa Varadachariar. Taking inspiration from the Islington Commission Report of 1912 under the Chairmanship of Lord Islington, the concept of living wages meaning that in no case an employee’s wage be less than the living wage, was taken into consideration in formulating the recommendations of the First Pay Commission. The Commission has fixed Rs.55, of which Basic Pay was Rs.30 and DA Rs.25 as the minimum wage. The recommendations were accepted by the Government.

Second Pay Commission
The Second Pay Commission was set up in August 1957 under the Chairmanship of Justice Jagannath Das and the Commission took two years to finalize the report. One of the recommendations of the Commission was that the pay structure and working environment of the government employees should be crafted in such a way as to ensure efficient functioning of the system by recruiting persons with a minimum qualification, which was earlier not followed. The Commission recommended the minimum wage at Rs.80 (Basic Pay Rs.70 and DA Rs.10) per month and reduced the multiple numbers of pay scales.

Third Pay Commission
The Third Pay Commission was set up in April 1970 under the Chairmanship of Justice Raghuvir Dayal. It went beyond the idea of minimum subsistence and added three concepts of inclusiveness, comprehensibility and adequacy for pay structure to be sound in nature as to be attractive to the employees, which, the Commission felt that it would improve the efficiency of functioning of the Government machinery. It recommended the minimum wage at Rs.185 per month and the Government raised it to Rs.196. Pay fixation formula was made more liberal. The Commission gave its report in March 1973.

Fourth Pay Commission
The Fourth Pay Commission was constituted in March 1983 under the Chairmanship of Sri P.N.Singhal. It recommended for creating permanent machinery as part of the administration to undertake periodical review of pay and allowances of the employees. However, it was never implemented by the Government. It recommended for minimum wage of Rs.750. It took four years and submitted the report in three phases. The report was implemented with effect from 01.01.1986.

Fifth Pay Commission
The Fifth Pay Commission was set up in 1994 under the Chairmanship of Justice Ratnavel Pandian. The Commission recommended for fixing the minimum wage at Rs.2550 per month, to further reduce the number of pay scales from 51 to 34 and to slash the government workforce by about 30% with grant of salary hikes to the retained employees. It took 4 years for the Commission to submit its report. During this period, the Government of India was in take-off mode with the concept of LPG (Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation) in its economic reforms, for which it has to look to the World Bank and IMF and thus the World Bank has opened its mouth with criticism on the after effects of the Pay Commission recommendations on the Indian economy.

Sixth Pay Commission
Sixth Pay Commission was set up in July 2006 under the Chairmanship of Justice B.N.Srikrishna with a time frame of 18 months. While formulating pay scales with upward revision and fixing the minimum salary at entry level at Rs.6660 (Basic Pay Rs.4860 and Grade Pay Rs.1800) and maximum at Rs.80000 at Secretary level, the Commission mainly focussed on removing ambiguity in respect of the existing pay scales and, introducing the idea of ‘Pay Bands’, while reducing the number of pay scales. It recommended for removal of Group – D cadre.

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Friday, February 28, 2014

Indian Post department has finally declared its most awaited notification for the post of Postal and Sorting Assistant. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Department of Posts has issued notification for filling up the 8243 posts of PA/SA in 22 Postal division/circles of the country.

Important dates:
Opening date for registration: 26 February 2014
Closing date for registration: 27 March 2014

Educational Qualification:
The candidates must have qualified 10+2 standard or 12th class from a recognized university or board with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams). He/she should have the knowledge of the language of the concerned Region for which they are applying.

Examination Fee:
All Male Applicants of General and OBC categories: Rs. 400
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Physically Impaired / Woman Candidates are exempted from payment of Examination Fee.

Exam Pattern:
Written Examination Paper (1) 100 Marks

Written Examination Conducted with Aptitude Test. (Paper-1) will be comprising four parts (Part A, B, C & D).  The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 hours (120 minutes).  There is no negative marking.
Part A:  General Knowledge 25 Marks
Part B:  Mathematics 25 Marks.
Part C: English 25 Marks.
Part D: Reasoning and Analytical Ability 25 Marks

Computer/Typing Test Paper (2)
The typing test  will  be  for  a duration   of   30  minutes  (  15  minutes for  typing  and  15 minutes  for data entry)  consisting   one  passage  of  450  words  in  English   OR 375  words  in  Hindi  to be  typed with  a minimum  speed  of   30  words per  minute or  25  words  per  minute  respectively.   Test in Data entry   will be of  some figures   and  letters  each  carrying  equal  marks   on  computer . The  above  test  will be conducted   on  Computer  Key  board,  but  not   on  a  typewriter.

Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade pay of Rs. 2400 + admissible allowances
Age Limit: Between 18 to 27 Years as on 27 March 2014

How to apply:
Eligible candidate would be required to apply online through official website of Indian Postal Department.

Source: India Post

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This time Lenove has come up with a new take on laptops. The 15.6" Lenovo G510 laptop PC combines top-notch essentials and the latest processing power with a price just $509. That won’t break your budget.  It is like other laptops but its features are greater than others. This is good choice for every individual. Its screen is of 15.6-Inch and 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor.

The versatile and affordable Lenovo G510 laptop PC combines a solid look and feel with the latest all-round features, and performance that will surpass your everyday needs.

           Lenovo G510: The Affordable and Versatile 15.6" Everyday Laptop.

At a Glance:

Screen Size
15.6 inches
Max Screen Resolution
1366x768 pixels
2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
Hard Drive
Wireless Type
Number of USB 2.0 Ports
Number of USB 3.0 Ports
Average Battery Life (in hours)
5 hours

Other Technical Details

Brand Name
Item model number
Hardware Platform
Operating System
Windows 8
Item Weight
5.7 pounds
Item Dimensions L x W x H
14.80 x 1.34 x 9.84 inches
Processor Brand
Processor Count
Computer Memory Type
Hard Drive Interface
Serial ATA
Hard Drive Rotational Speed
5400 RPM
Optical Drive Type
1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)
• 15.6” HD LED display
• Optimized for Windows 8.1
• Integrated Intel HD graphics
• Dolby Advanced Audio for crisp, clear surround sound
• Integrated DVD
• Integrated 720p HD webcam, HDMI out and USB 3.0 port
• AccuType Keyboard with numeric keypad
• OneKey Recovery for system backup and restoration
• Lenovo Energy Management
• Lenovo Cloud Storage for protecting important files and data

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